Career Path "Career Paths for Women in Tech"
by Dr. Meri Rosich
Fri, Oct 13 2017 at 18.30
at Tokyo Academics
Women in Technology Japan (WITJ)is proud to invite Meri Rosich as a guest speaker to talk about Career Paths for Women.”
There is high demand for skilled professionals in new areas such as Big Data and at the same time there is the need to bring diverse talent to organizations. Women have the opportunity to develop their full potential, thrive and enjoy work-life balance in career paths where they can set fresh cultures and innovative approaches to work. Join us to hear how to develop your career path in technology.
Session will be delivered in English.
Women in Technology Japan (WITJ) is a volunteer organization with the mission to increase women’s participation in the technology field and grow next generation technology leaders to be the forefront of innovation.
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